Industry Spotlight: Agriculture

Industry Spotlight: Agriculture –  Agriculture is a fundamental part of human life. It has been this way, at least in terms of domesticated livestock, for over 10,000 years. Over time the methods used by agricultural communities have evolved. Including the change from nomadic style grazing to more contained livestock in areas with limited ranges. With these changes in methods came advancements in technology. Especially for systems to contain the animals used for farming. As the systems advanced so did the materials.

Industry Spotlight Agriculture

In the past reeds, wood and sticks were used as posts and railing. These materials easily deteriorate and constantly need to be fixed and replaced. The arrival of steel to the agriculture and livestock industry allowed for more durable and long lasting animal fencing. Now, the agriculture and steel industry rely on each other every day in America. Here we’ll go over a couple interesting statistics about the relationship between steel, steel pipe and the agriculture industry.

Industry Spotlight Agriculture

Steel and Agriculture

Whether it’s for buildings, machinery, equipment or tools; steel has been a critical part of agriculture since its introduction. In modern times it’s often used for livestock containment as well. Products like cattle guards, heavy duty gates, t posts and continuous fencing all use steel. It’s such a common item on the farm that just about everyone who’s involved with livestock or a farm has dealt with a steel distributor at some time.

Industry Spotlight Agriculture

Why Steel in Agriculture

It’s simple. Steel is extremely durable and lasts a very long time. Here at CBI we believe in doing the job the right way the first time. Using steel for our projects ensures us the comfort of knowing our structures will last the test of time. Wood often rots and needs to be replaced. Using steel products for your agriculture needs reduces overall costs by removing the necessary repairs and replacements common with other materials. Here at CBI we know how important steel is to the industry. We constantly strive to provide the best steel agriculture products at the best prices. Industry Spotlight Agriculture

Pipe Fence

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